Friday, November 7, 2008

President of the World?

The year of children named Barack Obama. Much of the world is still buzzing over Barack Obama's win in the presidential election. There's special attention in the black communities all over the world the world and their reactions, seeing a black man take leadership of a world super power.

There's a pride sweeping, not just our nation, but many nations abroad as well. This election changed a lot of things, starting with the minds of the voters. More young voters turned out, more democrats turned out, and more black voters turned out. The numbers were in favor (obviously) for Obama almost across the nation. For the first time many are saying they care about politics and feel they matter in the electorial process.

Students in Britian even look to the future and hope that their own government can change and show more diversity.

After years of having one of our most unpopular presidents, days after the election results, polls have Obama with a tremendous amount of support, not just in the U.S., but all over the world, especially those displeased with the Bush administration. It brings new hope to deplomacy and international relations. There's almost a fanatical aspect to it all. "in Sierra Leone, six out of 10 male newborns in the capital's main maternity hospital were named Barack Obama Wednesday morning," said
Domenico Montanaro.

I find great irony in the fact that so many were so nervous of Obama, especially based on his name, and now the name is becoming a sort of "Joe" or "Jack" around the world. I'm not surprised he's this popular. He in fact has about the same approval rating in some polls as Bush had disproval. I'm disappointed that a lot of it is due to the strong dislike of Bush, and the dramatic change he obviously brings. All I hear about his policies is that people are waiting, and they want a lot of different things delivered all at once as soon as he takes office.

Realistically it will take time, but I see Obama as a man of his word. I think he's earned the pride, respect, and excitement of people all around the world. Whether he delivers everything or not, there will be nay sayers. I know that his election brings me pride. Not because of race, but what he stands for, the people. Watching the whole election, he seemed there for me as a citizen of the United States.

1 comment:

Halee's Blog☮ said...

I loved your blog, especially the video. but what about when those babies besome older? there all going to have the same name!